Sun 7-July-2024

Captive Movement slams Britain’s arrest of pro-Palestine activists

Monday 12-June-2023

The Palestinian Captive Movement in Israeli jails has strongly denounced the British authorities for arresting a number of “Palestine Action” activists over protests they staged against companies complicit in crimes committed by the Israeli occupation army.

In a statement on Sunday the Captive Movement condemned British companies including Elbit Systems for marketing its military products as being tested and used in the Gaza Strip which confirms their direct involvement in Israel’s war crimes.

“Such behavior is a violation of the international humanitarian law and the international human rights law. It is also considered involvement in the ongoing crimes that are committed by the occupation state against the Palestinian people” the Captive Movement said.

“The British authorities arrested nine members of the Palestine Action group which opposes companies that are complicit directly in the ongoing Israeli occupation of Palestine and the subsequent ethnic cleansing of its people. Later they released two members but seven others are still in detention” the Captive Movement pointed out.

The Captive Movement appealed to international legal and human rights groups to take serious action to pressure the British government to immediately release the detained members of Palestine Action and stop all forms of complicity with the Israeli apartheid regime.

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