Fri 20-September-2024

Hamas condemns Israel’s settlement expansion plan north of Jerusalem

Tuesday 13-June-2023

The Hamas Movement has condemned the Israeli decision to expand two illegal settlements established on Palestinian lands in the north of Occupied Jerusalem.

Spokesman of Hamas for Occupied Jerusalem Muhammad Hamadeh said on Tuesday that the Israeli decision to build 1703 new settlement units in the illegal settlements of Ramot and Ramat Shlomo constitutes a new ethnic cleansing crime committed by the fascist Israeli government against the Palestinian people.

Hamadeh deplored the international community’s inaction towards the Israeli settlement expansion policy adding that this encourages Israel to commit further crimes that violate the international laws and conventions.

He called on the international community and the United Nations to assume their responsibility towards ending the Israeli occupation and its ongoing violations in addition to supporting the Palestinian people until they regain their lands and rights.

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