Sat 14-September-2024

Israeli artillery attacks Lebanon’s border

Thursday 6-July-2023

The Israeli army bombed on Thursday border areas of Lebanon from which an alleged rocket launch was carried out.

According to a statement by the Israeli army one rocket fired earlier on Thursday from within Lebanon had exploded within Israeli territory.

Lebanon’s state news agency ANI said for its part that the Israeli artillery had fired “more than 15 artillery projectiles” at areas around the communities of Kfar Chouba and Halta in response to alleged rocket fire.

However some Hebrew media sources quoted a military source as saying that two mortar shells were fired from Lebanon denying that it was a rocket.

Earlier a UNIFIL source denied that any projectile had been fired from Lebanon towards Israeli territory affirming that what happened was an explosion of an old landmine.

Meanwhile Lebanon’s Hezbollah group condemned what it called “dangerous measures” taken by the Israeli army in the northern area of Ghajar town which Lebanon considers part of its territory.

Hezbollah accused Israel of erecting a wire fence and building a cement wall around the town.

Lebanon’s foreign ministry also said on Tuesday it was concerned by the Israeli moves saying they were creating a “new fait accompli on the ground.”

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