Tue 2-July-2024

Palestinian youth killed during IOF raid north of Ramallah

Friday 7-July-2023

A Palestinian youth on Friday afternoon succumbed to a serious injury he sustained after Israeli occupation forces (IOF) opened fire at him to the north of the West Bank city of Ramallah.

According to the Palestinian ministry of health Abdul Jawad Saleh was proclaimed dead after he was critically injured in the chest by IOF gunfire in Umm Safa village.

Member of Umm Safa village council Mohammed Bahar said that the IOF soldiers fired live bullets at Saleh while he was in the northern area of the village.

The death of Saleh brought the number of Palestinian citizens killed by the IOF today to three.

Meanwhile IOF soldiers blocked all the entrances of Umm Safa village.

Bahar said that a Palestinian citizen was injured by the Israeli rubber-coated metal bullets in the hand after the IOF attacked Palestinian citizens to protect Jewish settlers’ access to the outpost they established on the village lands.

Palestinian citizens in Umm Safa has been subjected to repeated Jewish settlers’ attacks against their lands and property.

In a related development a Palestinian citizen was injured after IOF fired live bullets at the vehicle he was driving southwest of Nablus.

In another development many Palestinian citizens were injured during clashes that were reported between Palestinian youths and Israeli soldiers who quelled the anti-settlement marches in several areas of the West Bank.

Israeli soldiers fired live bullets rubber-coated metal bullets and tear gas bombs at Palestinian protestors in Kafr Qaddoum village in Qalqilya and in Burqa village in Nablus.

Local sources reported five Palestinian citizens were injured by rubber-coated metal bullets while dozens suffered breathing problems in Kafr Qaddoum village to the east of Qalqilya.

Moreover dozens of civilians suffered breathing problems after IOF attacked foreign activists and Palestinian citizens who were protesting the Israeli decision that enables Jewish settlers to return to the Homesh settlement outpost established on Palestinian lands in Burqa town according to Ghassan Daghlas in charge of settlements file in the northern part of the West Bank.

In a separate incident a Palestinian young man sustained moderate wounds after a Jewish settler fired live bullets at him to the east of Beit Ummar town north of al-Khalil according to local activist Mohammed Awad.

He added that the young man suffered internal bleeding as the bullet penetrated through his shoulder and reached his lung.

In Jenin IOF soldiers arrested a 13-year-old child in Jalbon village after beating him the village council head Ibrahim Abul Rub said. He added that a number of citizens also suffered breathing problems after the IOF fired teargas and sound bombs at them during the raid.

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