Sun 7-July-2024

9 Palestinians detained in West Bank raids

Tuesday 11-July-2023

At least one Palestinian was injured and nine others arrested as the Israeli occupation forces (IOF) stormed different areas of West Bank cities and towns at dawn Tuesday.

The Israeli army claimed the arrest of nine Palestinians for allegedly being “wanted” by Israeli authorities.

In Nablus the IOF arrested two Palestinians after breaking into several homes in the new Askar camp.

Armed clashes broke out following the Israeli raid during which a Palestinian was injured.

Another Palestinian from Jenin was detained while passing through the Hawara checkpoint in Nablus.

The IOF also rounded up two Palestinians in Jenin one in Tulkarem and two others in Ramallah.

The Israeli occupation army regularly conducts raids searches and arrest operations in Palestinian towns across the occupied West Bank which have intensified this year with Palestinians arrested on a near-daily basis.

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