Mon 8-July-2024

BRICS calls for the establishment of an independent Palestinian state

Friday 21-July-2023

The BRICS Summit conference which was held Thursday in the South African capital of Pretoria called for the establishment of an independent Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital.

The conference was attended by a delegation of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) headed by member of its executive and central committees Azzam Al-Ahmad and included the senior Palestinian diplomat Salman Al-Harfi.

The event’s concluding statement included a pro-Palestine resolution calling for the implementation of United Nations and UN Security Council resolutions related to the Palestinian issue mainly Resolution No. 2334 on the settlement of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict by establishing a Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital.

On the sidelines of the conference the Palestinian delegation met with a number of international delegations including the African National Congress (ANC) Party the Communist Party and the ruling Indian Bharat Janta Party.

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