Fri 20-September-2024

Father Hanna: Settler violations in J’lem “state terrorism”

Thursday 27-July-2023

Father Atallah Hanna Archbishop of the Palestinian Orthodox Church in Occupied Jerusalem has described the provocative marches that are staged by extremist Jewish settlers in the Old City of Jerusalem and their desecration of the Aqsa Mosque as &ldquostate terrorism and an unprecedented war.&rdquo

In press remarks on Thursday Father Hanna said that the violations that are committed against Jerusalem and the Aqsa Mosque are &ldquopart of the apartheid policy that is pursued by the successive right-wing Israeli governments against the Palestinian people and their holy sites.&rdquo

The Archbishop accused the current Israeli government led by Benjamin Netanyahu of carrying out such violations through its different arms with the aim of Judaizing Jerusalem and changing its identity.

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