Sat 29-June-2024

Fisherman wounded by Israeli gunfire in Gaza’s northern waters

Thursday 3-August-2023

A Palestinian fisherman was injured on Thursday morning when Israeli gunboats opened fire at fishing boats off the northern shores of the Gaza Strip.

According to the fishermen syndicate a fisherman called Iyad Kaskeen was wounded by a rubber bullet when Israeli naval soldiers opened fire at him and others as they were working within three nautical miles off the northern shores of Gaza.

Israeli naval forces and their gunboats are around Gaza fishermen almost every day harassing them shooting at them damaging their boats and making arrests. Sometimes fishermen are injured or killed during gunfire attacks.

Such Israeli attacks in Gaza’s territorial waters curtail fishermen’s ability to fish and make a living to support their families.

Israel’s decades of control over Gaza’s territorial waters have had an adverse impact on the lives and livelihoods of fishermen their families and others in the fishing sector and on the economy as a whole.

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