Sat 5-October-2024

Four Palestinian prisoners suspend their hunger strike

Sunday 27-August-2023

Four Palestinian prisoners suspended their hunger strike after they reached an agreement with the Israeli Prison Services (IPS) to end their punitive measures on Sunday.

The Commission of Detainees and Ex-Detainees Affairs affirmed that the four prisoners Zuhdi Talal Abido Muhammad Tayseer Zakarneh Anas Ahmed Kamil and Saif Diab Ammarin have suspended their protest steps in Israeli jails.

Meanwhile prisoner Abd al-Rahman Baraka is still continuing his hunger strike for the nineteenth day in a row after he failed to conclude an agreement with the IPS.

Along the same line five administrative detainees have continued their hunger strike in protest against their illegal detention without charge or trial in Israeli jails.

Maher al-Akhras has continued his hunger strike for the fifth day Sultan Khalouf and Kayed al-Fasfous have continued their hunger strike for the 24th day in a row Osama Daqrouq has continued his hunger strike for the 20th day and Hatem Qawasmeh has continued his strike for the 14th day.

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