Sun 7-July-2024

Five Palestinians arrested in Ramallah

Friday 8-September-2023

The Israeli occupation forces (IOF) arrested five Palestinians in Nour Shams refugee camp in Ramallah including two ex-prisoners at dawn Friday.

Meanwhile clashes erupted in Tal town south of Nablus after it was violently stormed by IOF troops.

Similar raids were also reported in Al-Eizariya town east of Occupied Jerusalem and the southern region of al-Khalil.

In Jenin several Palestinians suffered from teargas inhalation as clashes erupted during a military raid into Bir al-Basha town.

The IOF also stormed Tora village and set up mobile checkpoints on the road linking between Ya`bad and Arraba town. Neighboring towns were also stormed.

Along the same line dozens of settlers stormed Al-Auja village north of Jericho and deployed throughout the area.

Earlier Thursday 13 Palestinians were detained in similar raids including children.

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