Mon 16-September-2024

Health of prisoner Fasfous worsens due to prolonged hunger strike

Saturday 30-September-2023

Palestinian prisoner Kayed al-Fasfous has suffered new health complications as he entered on Saturday day 59 of the hunger strike he staged in protest at his administrative detention.

According to the Palestinian Prisoner Society hunger striker Fasfous was transferred on Friday from his isolation cell in Ashkelon jail to the Ramla prison’s infirmary after his health declined further.

As a result of his protracted hunger strike the health of prisoner Fasfous has worsened sharply and reached a critical stage.

His wife Hala Nammura told the Palestinian Information Center (PIC) recently that her husband suffers from severe pains all over his body especially in his joints a constant headache failure to move and talk and other health issues.

Nammura explained that her husband was already suffering from joint pains as a result of his previous detention and hunger strike but these pains doubled during his current hunger strike.

She affirmed that her husband would continue his hunger strike until his martyrdom unless he was released and allowed to return to his family.

Since the beginning of his hunger strike the Israeli prison service has deprived prisoner Fasfous of getting salt and other essential needs including blankets and mattresses in an attempt to pressure him to quit his protest step according to his family.

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