Thu 4-July-2024

OCHA: 84 Palestinians displaced from Masafer Yatta in three months

Wednesday 4-October-2023

The UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) said that the Israeli authorities displaced 13 Palestinian families comprising 84 people including 44 children from Masafer Yatta since early July 2023.

This displaced community is now one of the four Palestinian communities that have been completely forced out of their areas in the West Bank since 2022 according to a report published on OCHA’s website on Tuesday.

&ldquoOver the years and increasingly since May 2022 the Israeli authorities have imposed movement restrictions confiscated property demolished homes and carried out military trainings in Masafer Yatta. Jointly these practices have contributed to a coercive environment that has pressured residents to move out&rdquo OCHA explained.

&ldquoIn the past three months movement restrictions have further intensified. Operating from a newly established military base Israeli forces now patrol the area more frequently further restricting people’s movement and access to markets and basic services as well as the shipment of fodder and other inputs for livestock on which most families rely. They have additionally confiscated vehicles used by residents&rdquo OCHA added.

According to OCHA two schools in Masafer Yatta reported that 24 students had dropped out this year including children whose families had to leave amid this coercive environment and others who fear the unsafe journey to school.

&ldquoIn one incident in September Israeli forces stopped teachers who were travelling to work and threatened to seize their vehicle if they used it again&rdquo OCHA noted.

&ldquoSince March 2023 one of Masafer Yatta’s communities Khirbet Bir Al &lsquoIdd has stood empty following the displacement of the last two families&rdquo OCHA said adding that growing settler violence was also a reason for their departure from the area.

&ldquoHumanitarian organizations and donors have been providing assistance to the communities in Masafer Yatta to meet their basic needs. However over the years the Israeli authorities have impeded such efforts by issuing demolition or &lsquostop work&rsquo orders by confiscating vehicles and equipment and by restricting physical access to land and the entry of humanitarian workers. An emergency shelter project initiated in May 2023 has had to stop following the confiscation of rehabilitation materials by the Israeli authorities&rdquo the report elaborated.

&ldquoThe forcible transfer of civilians from or within the occupied Palestinian territory is prohibited under international humanitarian law&rdquo the UN organization underlined.

It said that the UN repeatedly called upon the Israeli authorities to halt all coercive measures including movement restrictions planned evictions demolitions and military training in Palestinian residential areas.

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