Wed 3-July-2024

Nine Palestinians killed in pro-Gaza West Bank rallies

Friday 13-October-2023

Nine Palestinians were killed when Israeli occupation forces (IOF) opened fire at pro-Gaza rallies across the West Bank following Friday prayers.

The new victims brought the total number of West Bankers killed by Israeli gunfire since Saturday to 44.

In Tulkarem three youths were killed and two others injured by IOF gunfire in pro-Gaza protests near the apartheid wall.

Another Palestinian was shot and killed in Atuf town south of Tubas. Five youths also suffered from gunshot injuries while dozens more suffered from teargas bombs.

IOF soldiers killed two more Palestinians in Bab al-Zawiya and Beit Ula areas in al-Khalil. 14 others were shot and injured in the city.

A 14-year-old child died from wounds sustained by IOF gunfire near the Beit Furik military checkpoint east of Nablus while another Palestinian was killed in Bethlehem.

Earlier today a 24-year-old young man was shot in the head by IOF soldiers in Deir Bazi town and later proclaimed dead.

Massive rallies were held across the occupied West Bank today in protest against the ongoing Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip.

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