Fri 28-June-2024

“Aqsa Flood” enters its 9th day amid ongoing rocket fire and clashes

Sunday 15-October-2023

Al-Aqsa Flood battle entered on Sunday its ninth day amid ongoing rocket fire from Gaza and clashes between resistance fighters and Israeli forces in border areas.

According to Palestinian news reports al-Qassam Brigades of Hamas and other resistance groups showered Israeli settlements and cities with renewed volleys of rockets last night and on Sunday morning.

Resistance fighters also fired gatherings of Israeli troops near the Gaza border with mortar shells.

Meanwhile the Israeli occupation army said that the number of Israeli officers and soldiers that had been killed since the war started climbed to 286 individuals after seven of them were killed on Saturday.

The Israeli death toll since the start of Operation &ldquoAl-Aqsa Flood&rdquo has continued to rise reaching 1500 according to Hebrew media reports.

Some 3526 Israelis have also been injured including 29 in critical condition and 350 in serious condition according to the Hebrew media.

Last night al-Qassam Brigades mourned three of its fighters who were martyred as they were carrying out a commando operation in a border area between 1948 Occupied Palestine and Lebanon.

Hezbollah fighters for their part bombed six Israeli army posts with different projectiles causing material damage to the sites and injuring a number of Israeli soldiers.

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