Fri 28-June-2024

Aqsa Flood enters its 10th day amid retaliatory fire from Gaza

Monday 16-October-2023

Al-Aqsa Flood battle entered on Monday its 10th day amid ongoing drone and rocket attacks on Israeli targets while the number of Israeli casualties climbed to 1500 deaths and 3900 injuries.

On Monday morning al-Qassam Brigades the armed wing of Hamas announced that it fired a volley of rockets at Ben Gurion Airport in response to the ongoing Israeli massacres in Gaza.

Israelis in Modiin settlement and other areas near Occupied Jerusalem took cover in shelters as sirens sounded warnings of incoming rockets in the morning.

On Sunday evening al-Qassam Brigades fired dozens of rockets from Gaza and southern Lebanon at Israeli settlements and military sites.

Al-Quds Brigades the armed wing of Islamic Jihad and other resistance groups also fired barrages of rockets and mortar shells from Gaza at different Israeli targets last night and earlier today.

Meanwhile the Hebrew media reported that Palestinian infiltration operations and clashes with Israeli forces happened during the last two days in different Israeli areas around Gaza.

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