Sun 8-September-2024

IUMS calls on Muslim rulers and peoples to support Gaza

Monday 23-October-2023

The International Union of Muslim Scholars (IUMS) has affirmed that the Arab and Muslim rulers have a religious duty to support the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip militarily financially diplomatically and politically.

&ldquoThe Palestinian people’s struggle to liberate their land that has been occupied by the Zionist entity is legitimate and obligatory resistance&rdquo the IUMS Ijtihad and Fatwa Committee said in a statement on Monday.

The Ijtihad and Fatwa Committee stressed that the Muslim nation &mdash governments peoples and individuals has a &ldquoreligious duty to stand up to the Western support for the unjust Israeli war on Gaza and work on ending the Zionist occupation of the Islamic land of Palestine.&rdquo

The Fatwa Committee stressed the need for using every possible means to support Gaza against the Israeli aggression.

The Fatwa Committee called for necessarily establishing an Islamic military coalition capable of protecting the Islamic countries and defending them against any act of aggression.

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