Sun 7-July-2024

Massive pro-Gaza marches sweep the West Bank

Saturday 28-October-2023

Palestinians across the West Bank on Saturday held rallies in support of blockaded Gaza Strip that has been under unprecedented bombardment and complete communication blackout since Friday evening. The protests came in response to calls for continued demonstrations across Palestine against the Israeli aggression on the besieged enclave that has been ongoing for the past three weeks.  

In Jenin dozens of youths organized a sit-in at the central city square in protest at the Israeli ongoing aggression on Gaza amid renewal of rallies demanding responding to Israeli crimes. 

Palestinians in Tulkarem performed funeral prayer for the martyrs in Gaza before they took to the streets across the city.

Other rallies kicked off in al-Khalil before clashing with Israeli occupation soldiers.
Calls have also been renewed throughout the West Bank for launching massive rallies sit-ins general strikes and clashing with Israeli occupation forces (IOF).  

Angry marches had swept the cities towns and refugee camps across the West Bank on Friday night in support of Gaza and its resistance. 

Hamas Movement has called on the Palestinian people in the West Bank to mobilize and support Gaza calling on armed cells to carry out resistance operations against the IOF. 

Meanwhile the youth movements renewed calls for launching a general strike and participating in massive protests throughout the West Bank. 

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