Thu 4-July-2024

IOF launches massive arrest campaign in the West Bank

Friday 10-November-2023

The Israeli occupation forces (IOF) launched a large-scale raid and arrest campaign in several areas in the West Bank at dawn Friday. Dozens of ex-prisoners activists affiliated with the Hamas Movement and university students were rounded up during the raid.

28 Palestinians were detained in al-Khalil which led to the outbreak of violent clashes amid heavy use of teargas and sound bombs. Dozens of teargas inhalation cases were reported during the clashes.

The IOF also detained six Palestinians in Ramallah and five others in Jenin. Violent raids were carried out in several towns and villages in Jenin.

In Bethlehem a Palestinian young man was shot and injured after the IOF violently stormed the Aida refugee camp amid heavy gunfire. Local sources affirmed that the IOF prevented medical aid to the injured and instead attacked and arrested him. Six youths were detained in Aida refugee camp while seven others were detained in Dheisheh camp.

Another Palestinian was also detained in Al-Khader town.

The IOF also rounded up four Palestinians in Nablus and a young man in Occupied Jerusalem.

Since the start of the Israeli aggression on Gaza 2300 Palestinians have been detained in the West Bank including 75 women.

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