Tue 2-July-2024

The resistance continues to confront the Israeli incursions in Gaza

Friday 10-November-2023

The Palestinian resistance continues to repel the Israeli occupation’s incursions in multiple areas of the Gaza Strip on Friday amidst the destruction of more tanks and clashes at point-blank range despite the intense aerial and artillery bombardment. At the same time they have continued to shell Israeli settlements and positions with rocket barrages.

The PIC correspondent reports that intense clashes involving a variety of weapons are taking place in the city of Gaza as Israeli forces attempt to advance in the Al-Nasr neighborhood and southern Gaza Where the sounds of clashes and explosions along with intense and unprecedented artillery and aerial bombardment can be heard.

The Al-Qassam Brigades targeted a military digger with Al- Yasin 105 shell in the Juhar al-Deek area east of the central region causing a direct hit. They also shelled the Kibbutz Nirim with several mortar shells.

The Al-Qassam Brigades announced the destruction of an Israeli tank belonging to the commander of an armored brigade in the northwestern axis of the city of Gaza with Al Yasin 105 shell. It also announced the shelling of the Ra’im military base with a rocket barrage.

For its part the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades announced the shelling of a military position in the Nirim settlement and the Third Eye military site with concentrated rocket barrages.

Since the beginning of the ground incursion on October 27th Al-Qassam Brigades have destroyed more than 141 tanks and vehicles belonging to the Israeli occupation forces (IOF) in various areas of the Gaza Strip.

The IOF acknowledged the death of a new officer in the battles of Gaza bringing the official toll of officers and soldiers killed in the ground incursion to 38 in addition to hundreds of injuries while resistance sources confirm that the real number is much higher.

The Israeli Broadcasting Authority announced the death of 354 soldiers since the start of the war on October 7th including 38 in combat since the beginning of the ground operation in Gaza.

Previously the IOF admitted the death of approximately 1600 soldiers and settlers including dozens of officers and soldiers and the injury of 7262 others in addition to the capture of at least 242 individuals since the start of the Battle of the Al-Aqsa Flood on October 7th.


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