Tue 2-July-2024

Mishaal: This is the beginning of the end of occupation

Monday 20-November-2023

Head of Hamas political bureau abroad Khaled Mishaal said on Sunday evening that Al-Qassam Brigades the armed wing of Hamas had manifested that the Israeli occupation forces (IOF) can be defeated stressing that “it is the beginning of its (occupation) end.” 

Mishaal’s remarks came in his speech delivered in a solidarity event in Morocco organized by the Unification and Reform Movement under the theme: “Al-Aqsa Flood and the Duty of Victory.”

Mishaal said “October 7 brought us back to reality after illusions took hold of many people as they evaded their responsibilities.”

“We have returned to the essence of the conflict and the spirit of the Palestinian cause which the tyrants of the Western world and even some Arabs and Muslims have deliberately or unintentionally forgotten” he added. 

Mishaal stressed that “the heroes of al-Qassam Brigades and the Elite Forces have brought us back to the reality that we are facing unjust occupation illegal settlement and aggression and that Israel is a usurping entity with no legitimacy. They also brought us back to our responsibility towards Occupied Jerusalem which is under almost complete Israeli political and military control.”

He said “For 44 days al-Qassam Brigades has been presenting a great image of the resistance and the true jihad in defense for the occupied land Jerusalem the holy sites and the rights of our people to their land. They have been working on releasing the Palestinian prisoners from Israeli prisons and repatriating the Palestinian refugees around the world.”

“The IOF says that this war is the second war of independence and we tell them: your colonial authority has expired and this war is just the beginning of your end” the Hamas leader said.

He pointed out that “1000 fighters of al-Qassam Brigades defeated the Israeli army’s Gaza Force and proved that the Israeli occupation is defeatable through the path of jihad and resistance not by pleading begging negotiations or weakness.”

“Our resistance is based on an inherent right and a profound political vision. Thanks to Almighty Allah the IOF has not been able after 44 days to break our heroic resistance” he said.

He added “We have lost more than 12000 martyrs half of them women and a third of them children in sadistic revenge crimes committed in response to the defeats they suffered at the hands of the resistance and al-Qassam Brigades in the field.”

Mishaal condemned normalization with Israel and slammed the Arab and Muslim countries for holding normal relations with Israel while it has been mercilessly killing the Palestinian people and carrying out war crimes without any morals and with no humanity.

He stressed that “it is not enough to sympathize with Gaza and to express sadness and pain. Now is the time of the duty to support your brothers in Palestine in general and in Gaza in particular.”

Mishaal concluded that “Our nation’s duty now is to achieve victory and to support Gaza” calling on all Arab and Muslim people to take part in the battle. 

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