Tue 2-July-2024

GMO: Gaza on the brink of starvation

Monday 20-November-2023

The Government Media Office (GMO) has warned that the living conditions in the Gaza Strip amid the ongoing Israeli hideous aggression and the suffocating siege raise concerns about witnessing a potential famine and the spread of diseases. 

The GMO said in a statement on Monday that it charges the international community led by the US with responsibility for the anticipated famine as they have been planning to displace the Gazan people from Gaza Strip to Egypt which is totally rejected by the Palestinian people.   

It also called on international organizations and world bodies to stop the “deliberate starvation” of Palestinians.

The statement stressed that “Day after day the humanitarian situation in the besieged enclave has been worsening significantly and unprecedentedly.” 

“Shops and markets now have no basic food items including flour rice and canned foods and bakeries have also been bombed by Israeli airstrikes and completely closed” it added.  

The GMO also said that there are growing fears that Gaza will be plunged into famine and diseases will spread more quickly as the number of displaced people has caused overcrowding which has created an increasing demand for basic relief materials that do not exist in the first place. 

It also pointed out that in light of the deteriorated medical sector in Gaza the cold weather and rain have made the situation unbearable for displaced Palestinians with most of them unequipped for the coming winter months.

The media office said that it holds the international community responsible for the dire consequences of such a situation calling on the international organizations and world bodies to stop the crime of “deliberate starvation” of Palestinians that has been given the green light by the international community and implemented by the Israeli occupation forces against around 2.4 million Palestinians in Gaza.

The GMO statement called on the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) to shoulder its responsibility and supply Palestinians across the Gaza Strip with humanitarian aid and basic needs required for their survival. 

It called on the Arab and Muslim countries to push for opening the Rafah border crossing permanently and to supply Gaza with food and humanitarian aid before a real catastrophe takes place in the besieged enclave.  


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