Fri 28-June-2024

Hamas hails Barcelona municipality for suspending ties with Israel

Saturday 25-November-2023

The Hamas Movement appreciated the courageous stance of the municipality of Barcelona Spain which has decided to sever its relations with Israel in rejection of its brutal aggression and genocidal war on the Palestinian people in Gaza Strip.

In a statement on Saturday Hamas called on cities and municipal councils around the world to follow the steps of Barcelona municipality in support of humanity and the values of freedom and justice as well as the right of peoples to self-determination and in rejection of the Israeli massacres against children and defenseless civilians.

On the other hand Hamas condemned in strongest terms the racist statement of Dutch extremist politician Geert Wilders in which he called for “the displacement of our people to Jordan” considering it “a fascist stand aligned with the plans of the Nazi-Zionist occupation in a failed attempt to displace our people from their land and Islamic and Christian sanctities.”

Hamas called on the international community and the United Nations to denounce this racist fascist statement that violates the international law and the right of the Palestinian people to their land stressing that the Palestinian people will continue their legitimate struggle against the occupation until it is terminated and a Palestinian state is established with Jerusalem as its capital. 


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