Tue 2-July-2024

IOF arrests 40 Palestinians including two girls in the West Bank

Thursday 30-November-2023


Israeli occupation forces (IOF) arrested on Thursday 40 Palestinians including two girls and members of Hamas Movement in addition to former detainees, as part of Israeli massive and punitive measures against the Palestinians in the West Bank, according to Palestinian Prisoners Media Office.

The arrests were carried out in Al-Khalil, Bethlehem, Tulkarem and Occupied Jerusalem, as well as in Jericho, Qalqilya, and Tubas, the Office said.

About 7 persons including young men were rounded up in Occupied Jerusalem, 8 men were arrested in Bethlehem, and 11 others in Al-Khalil after storming several neighborhoods in the city. Some of them were arrested along with their fathers and brothers.

The IOF also arrested 9 Palestinians in Tulkarem and 2 others in Qalqilya city, while in Tubas, 2 former prisoners were rounded up in addition to a member of Tubas municipal council.

Meanwhile, Israeli special forces abducted a young man from Ain Al-Sultan refugee camp in Jericho.

The number of Palestinians in the West Bank, who have been held captive since October 7 in Israeli occupation jails, thus surged to 3,365.

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