Tue 2-July-2024

IOF carries out large-scale arrest campaign in the West Bank

Monday 4-December-2023


Israeli occupation forces (IOF) carried out last night and at dawn Monday a large-scale arrest campaign in several cities and refugee camps of the West Bank, including dozens of Palestinians mostly former prisoners, and resulting in armed clashes and confrontations.

Armed clashes and confrontations broke out on Monday between the IOF and resistance fighters who confronted the IOF soldiers with gunfire and locally-made explosive devices.

The IOF announced its assassination of two resistance fighters in Qalqilya whereas two others were injured on Monday morning in a shooting carried out by an Israeli army’s special force who stormed Kfar Saba neighborhood with a civil car and besieged a building before IOF summoned more reinforcements, arrested a number of youths and assassinated others, according to local sources.

The sources reported that IOF soldiers broke into houses in different neighborhoods in Qalqilya, Jenin, Bethlehem, Ramallah and Jericho cities of the West Bank and wreaked havoc inside Palestinian houses before arresting a number of former prisoners. More than 17 people were rounded up in Bethlehem alone, the sources added.

Field investigations with families of ex-detainees were reportedly carried out by the IOF soldiers who deployed snipers on houses’ rooftops and left leaflets on citizens’ cars.

Among the arrested were members of the same family including a father and his child, the sources highlighted.

The Palestinian Prisoners Association said that the IOF rounded up 60 Palestinians since last night in the West Bank and that the number of detainees since October 7 has thus risen to 3,540.

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