Tue 2-July-2024

IOF blows up house, injures 14 young men in Nablus

Tuesday 19-December-2023


Israeli occupation forces (IOF) blew up on Tuesday the house of prisoner Osama Bani Fadel in Aqraba town south of Nablus city in the northern West Bank, amid fierce clashes that led to the injury of 14 citizens.

Local sources reported that a large IOF force stormed the town of Aqraba early morning on Tuesday and besieged the house before blowing it up.

Fierce clashes erupted between Palestinian young men and IOF soldiers who fired stun and gas grenades towards Palestinians, leading to the suffocation of 14 of them.

Meanwhile, the IOF blocked the movement of ambulance cars and banned paramedics from treating the casualties, the sources added.

The house demolition comes in line with the Israeli policy of systematic collective punishment against Palestinian prisoners and martyrs in an attempt to deter resistance against the Israeli occupation.

A campaign of arrests and field investigations were also carried out in Aqraba town, resulting in the detention of two men after breaking into their houses.

Osama Bani Fadel was arrested on November 11 after being chased by the IOF for 100 days after he carried out a shooting operation that killed two settlers in Huwara town, south of Nablus.

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