Wed 3-July-2024

Hamas hails South Africa’s plea at ICJ

Thursday 11-January-2024


Member of Hamas’ Political Bureau Izzat Al-Resheq hailed the plea presented by South Africa’s legal team at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) on Thursday.

“We highly appreciate the arguments and documented evidence that were presented in the plea.”

Al-Resheq pointed out that the plea proved before the whole world the Israeli involvement in committing genocide and ethnic cleansing against the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip.

“South Africa once again proves the authenticity of its principled position in support of our Palestinian people and the justice of their cause, and its rejection of the Israeli brutal crimes against our people and their legitimate national rights,” Al-Resheq underlined.

Earlier Thursday, the ICJ in The Hague held the first hearing to look into South Africa’s submission accusing Israel of genocide and war crimes in the Gaza Strip.

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