Sat 27-July-2024

Al-Qaradaghi says defunding UNRWA is a “disgusting move”

Wednesday 7-February-2024


Secretary-general of International Union of Muslim Scholars (IUMS) Ali Al-Qaradaghi denounced defunding the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA), following Israeli accusations against the UN agency.

Al-Qaradaghi wrote on X, “The Western countries’ decision to enter a full partnership with the Zionists in starving Palestinians in Gaza by suspending their aid to UNRWA is a disgusting move that we will not forget.”

“While Palestinians are suffering from suffocating economic and social conditions as a result of the genocide carried out by Israeli occupation forces in the Gaza Strip, this decision comes as a new blow to the Palestinian people who are already struggling with miserable living conditions amid acute shortage of food and medicine,” he added.

18 Countries have recently suspended their funding to UNRWA, following Israeli allegations that 12 employees of the UN agency were “involved” in the Oct. 7 attack on Israel.

Al-Qaradaghi said, “The most prominent reason behind this political decision is the full support for Israel and the ratification of its policies and procedures without taking into account the difficult humanitarian situation that the Palestinians are going through,” he stressed.

“The catastrophic effects of this decision on the lives of Palestinian civilians and children who suffer from deprivation, poverty, and lack of health care cannot be ignored,” he highlighted.

Many major international organizations have also warned of the worsening of the unprecedented humanitarian catastrophe in the Gaza Strip if aid to UNRWA continues to be suspended.

Al-Qaradaghi called on “The international community to move immediately to provide support and humanitarian aid to the Palestinians, and to put pressure on the countries which suspended their funding to UNRWA to reconsider their decisions and assume their humanitarian responsibility towards the Palestinian people.”

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