Sat 27-July-2024

IOF kidnaps Palestinians, maps two homes in W. Bank raids

Saturday 24-February-2024


The Israeli occupation forces (IOF) kidnaped at least five Palestinian citizens, including a child, and took measurements of two homes during dawn raids in the West Bank on Saturday, amid clashes with local youths in some areas.

According to local sources, the IOF stormed different neighborhoods of al-Khalil City and Yatta town and raided homes, with no reported arrests.

Israeli forces also raided at-Tuwani village in southern al-Khalil, assaulted a foreign activist and threatened to arrest him if he continued to document the violations that are committed by Jewish settlers and soldiers against the local residents and their property.

Local sources said that the IOF flew a drone over the village and imposed a curfew on its residents.

In Nablus, Israeli forces stormed Beit Furik town while firing live ammunition, tear gas canisters and stun grenades, which provoked clashes with local youths.

Meanwhile, the IOF reportedly assaulted and kidnaped two young men during raids on their homes in Bizzariya village, northwest of Nablus.

Two other young brothers from the family of Desouki were taken prisoners after the IOF went on the rampage through several homes in Burqa village, northwest of Nablus.

The IOF also stormed different villages in the northeast of Jenin and raided homes, as well as the village of Kafr al-Labad in Tulkarem, without making arrests.

In Ramallah, a child was kidnaped from his home during an IOF raid in Sinjil town.

In Bethlehem, the IOF stormed Beit Ta’mir village and Za’tara town and took measurements of two houses as a prelude to demolishing them later.

Local sources said that a large number of Israeli troops with some bulldozers stormed Beit Ta’mir village and encircled the house of Issa Zawahra, the father of martyrs Mohamed and Kadem who had been shot dead by IOF gunfire last Thursday near al-Izzariya town in eastern Jerusalem, before military engineers embarked on mapping the house.

The IOF also raided Za’tara village and mapped the house of Azzam al-Wahsh, the father of Ahmed who was wounded in the same shooting operation that killed one Israeli soldier and injured others near al-Izzariya town.

In a separate incident, a horde of armed settlers detained and brutalized a number of Palestinian citizens near the entrances of Ma’in and Sa’b al-Batm hamlets in Masafer Yatta (southern al-Khalil) as they were trying to reach their homes.

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