Wed 24-July-2024

IOF kidnaps Palestinians, clashes with resistance fighters in W. Bank

Tuesday 12-March-2024


The Israeli occupation forces (IOF) stormed last night and at dawn Tuesday different West Bank areas and kidnaped a number of Palestinian citizens, while resistance fighters attacked them in some areas.

According to local sources, the IOF kidnaped a young man, a resident of Ya’bad town in Jenin, at a military checkpoint near Zibda village.

Meanwhile, resistance fighters attacked IOF vehicles with explosive devices in Jalbun town, east of Jenin.

In Nablus, the IOF carried out a large-scale arrest campaign in Urif village, with no information available about the number of the detainees.

In the northwest of Nablus, resistance fighters attacked Israeli forces near Burqa village with a homemade bomb, while other resistance fighters opened fire at the military checkpoint of Shavei Shomron.

In Qalqilya, local sources said that Israeli forces withdrew from the city after they failed to arrest a number of wanted citizens during violent raids on homes in Kafr Saba neighborhood.

In Ramallah, the IOF kidnaped a young citizen after ransacking his home in Shuqba village, amid clashes with local youths.

Two other citizens were taken prisoners during IOF raids on homes in Abu Shukhaydam town in the north of Ramallah.

In Bethlehem, resistance fighters attacked the Israeli base of Rachel’s Tomb near Aida refugee camp with two hand grenades, while Israeli forces raided homes in Marah Rabah village without making arrests.

In east Jerusalem, one citizen was reportedly kidnaped by Israeli police forces in Hizma town.

Police forces also clashed with Jerusalemite young men near Shuafat refugee camp and fired tear gas canisters and bullets, with no reason, at Palestinian cars in the west Jerusalem town of Bir Nabala.

Later in the morning, the IOF stormed Jenin refugee camp and attacked local youths.

The Red Crescent said that one young man suffered a bullet injury in his leg and another one was injured when Israeli soldiers assaulted him.

Local sources said that the IOF kidnaped three citizens during its raid in Jenin camp, adding that resistance fighters clashed with infiltrating Israeli soldiers in the camp.

Al-Qassam Brigades of Hamas said that its fighters along with other resistance groups attacked Israeli forces and vehicles during their presence in the camp.

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