Sat 27-July-2024

IOF kidnaps several Palestinians during W. Bank raids

Monday 25-March-2024


The Israeli occupation forces (IOF) kidnaped last night and at dawn Monday a number of Palestinian citizens during raids in the West Bank, amid clashes in some areas.

According to local sources, the IOF kidnaped three citizens from their homes in Jalbun town, east of Jenin City.

The IOF also stormed other areas of Jenin and clashed with local youths in Silat ad-Dhaher town, while resistance fighters attacked them with an explosive device in Arabbuna town.

In Tulkarem, the IOF stormed different areas of the city and kidnaped a young man after ransacking his home in Shuweika suburb.

Israeli forces also raided Qaffin town in northern Tulkarem and clashed with local youths. One teenager was reportedly injured in his leg by IOF gunfire during the events.

Meanwhile, resistance fighters in Qaffin town infiltrated into an Israeli army post near the illegal settlement of Hermesh last night, detonated explosive devices at guards’ vehicle and showered it with bullets. Israeli casualties were reported following the resistance operation.

In Qalqilya, the IOF kidnaped a citizen at a checkpoint near the city and another one from his home in Azzun town.

Local sources in Azzun town said that Israeli soldiers savagely assaulted two young men during raids on homes.

In Ramallah, three young men were taken prisoners during an IOF raid in al-Lubban al-Gharbi town.

In Bethlehem, the IOF kidnaped a child from his home in al-Khader town.

In Nablus, the IOF stormed the city and its old area before clashing with local youths and resistance fighters. Three young men suffered bullet injuries during the events.

The IOF also stormed other areas of the West Bank, with no reported arrests.

In east Jerusalem, Israeli police forces kidnaped two young men during raids on homes in Qalandia refugee camp.

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