Wed 25-September-2024

Guterres calls for a probe into the killing of aid workers in Gaza

Friday 5-April-2024


United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said on Friday that the Israeli military aggression on Gaza has brought “relentless death and destruction” to Palestinians in the Strip, expressing his concern about reports on Israel using artificial intelligence to identify targets in Gaza.

“The Gaza war is devastating to civilians, health workers, and United Nations employees,” Guterres said in a press conference, pointing out that “the Israeli military campaign caused unprecedented destruction in the Gaza Strip over the course of 6 months.”

“Fixing [Israeli government’s] failures requires independent investigations as well as meaningful and measurable changes on the ground,” the UN Chief said.

“196 humanitarian workers have been killed and we want to know why each one of them was killed,” he added.

Guterres also said he was “deeply troubled” by reports that the Israeli military has been using artificial intelligence to help identify bombing targets in Gaza.

A report published by the +972 website indicated that the Israeli occupation army, using artificial intelligence, identified tens of thousands of Gaza residents as suspects in bombing and killing operations.

The website explained that during the early stages of the war, the Israeli occupation army gave blanket approval to officers to accept its proposed kill lists, without the need to carefully investigate why the machine made these choices or the need to examine the initial intelligence data.

For 181 days in a row, the Israeli occupation army has been committing massacres as part of its genocidal war against the people of the Gaza Strip, targeting inhabited homes and medical and journalistic teams, killing more than 33,000 people, and injuring more than 75,000 others, in addition to thousands missing under the rubble, according to the Ministry of Health in Gaza.

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