Mon 8-July-2024

Gunman from Jordan opens fire at IOF at border crossing

Saturday 6-April-2024


A gunman who came from Jordanian territory opened fire on an Israeli army patrol without causing any casualties, Israeli media reported at dawn Saturday.

According to the Israeli sources, the incident occurred on the Jordanian side at the border crossing known as Sheikh Hussein in the northern Jordan Valley, at one o’clock in the morning.

The gunman carried out the shooting without crossing the border fence, then returned to Jordanian territory, the sources added.

According to the Israeli newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth, a preliminary investigation shows that the gunman crossed the river and opened fire from the crossing at an Israeli patrol jeep.

Israeli forces reportedly fired “about ten rounds at the source of the shooting” and reinforcements rushed to the scene.

“There were no casualties on the Israeli side, but damage was caused to the patrol jeep,” Yedioth Ahronoth added.

Jordan is witnessing a number of the largest peaceful marches across the region, with anti-Israel sentiment escalating due to the ongoing Israeli massacres in the Gaza Strip.

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