Sat 27-July-2024

IOF kidnaps several Palestinians from W. Bank and J’lem

Tuesday 16-April-2024


The Israeli occupation forces (IOF) kidnaped last night and at dawn Tuesday a number of Palestinian citizens in West Bank and Jerusalem raids, amid clashes in some areas.

According to local sources, armed clashes broke out with resistance fighters after Israeli forces stormed the eastern neighborhood of Jenin City.

The IOF reportedly kidnaped five young citizens during its raid in Jenin City.

In Qalqilya, the IOF kidnaped four citizens from their homes in Habla town and carried out raids in the city.

In Tulkarem, the IOF stormed different areas of the city, especially Ezbet al-Jarad suburb where they stole donations from the Abu Bakr al-Siddiq Mosque, and deployed snipers on its rooftop as well as on the roof of a nearby building while carrying out raids on homes in the area.

In Bethlehem, Israeli forces stormed al-Deheisha refugee camp, interrogated local residents and kidnaped a number of young men.

Two young men were also taken prisoners during IOF raids on homes in al-Khalil City.

In Nablus, the IOF went on the rampage through Balata refugee camp, destroying roads and infrastructure and randomly opening fire at homes. They also stormed Burqa town in the north of Nablus and patrolled its streets.

Resistance fighters and local youths clashed with Israeli forces in Balata camp and Burqa town.

In east Jerusalem, Israeli police forces kidnaped a 12-year-old child called Yazan Kayala from his home in Shuafat refugee camp, as well as other young men from the holy city.

The IOF rounded up 25 Palestinians in the West Bank on Monday including a young woman and ex-prisoners.

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