Sat 27-July-2024

IOA seizes 64 dunums in al-Khalil to establish a settlement

Tuesday 16-April-2024


The Israeli occupation authorities (IOA) have issued a military decision to seize 64 dunums (64,000 square meters) of citizens’ land in the Al-Bouira area, north of al-Khalil in the southern West Bank, municipal sources revealed on Tuesday.

The confiscation order came as a prelude to establishing a new Jewish settlement in the area, the sources added.

The decision came in conjunction with the Israeli settlement expansion, which has notably accelerated since the start of the Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip.

The confiscation decision, according to the municipality of al-Khalil, is directed towards a vital area of the city and serves as a pretext for Israeli-enforced plans to uproot the area’s 8,000 native residents in order to seize and control about 800 dunums.

In response to the Israeli decision, Palestinian local and rights institutions decided to take legal measures against the Israeli move.

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