Sat 27-July-2024

The Freedom Flotilla in Istanbul prepares to set off for the Gaza Strip

Saturday 20-April-2024


The Freedom Flotilla coalition is preparing to launch the “Mediterranean” ship designated to transport humanitarian aid to the besieged Gaza Strip, with the participation of about 1,000 solidarity activists.

The Flotilla represents an attempt by civil society organizations from 12 countries to break the siege and provide relief to the Palestinian people, who are being subjected to a genocidal war for the seventh month in a row.

In a press conference held on Friday, in a private shipyard in the Tuzla area in the Turkish city of Istanbul, it was announced that the fleet was ready to depart for the Gaza Strip, in the presence of activists from several countries, including Germany, Malaysia, Palestine, Norway, Argentina, Spain, Canada, and South Africa.

In her speech during the conference, retired American officer and former diplomat Anne Wright announced the opening of the “Gaza Freedom Flotilla” campaign.

Wright indicated that she participated in the campaign in 2010 onboard the Mavi Marmara ship, which was launched along with 7 different ships with the participation of people from dozens of countries.

For her part, activist Fawzia Mohamed Hassan, from the Malaysian Freedom Flotilla movement, said, “the news published by media organizations such as CNN and BBC claim that the problem in the region is caused by Iran or other countries, but the current situation is very different from what is shown.”

Fawzia pointed out that preparations for the Freedom Flotilla’s trip are taking place with the participation of more than 280 important figures from various parts of the world, including doctors, lawyers, engineers, and professors, and that the most important demand in this mission is to ensure a ceasefire in the region.

For his part, Torsten Daly, from the Norwegian Freedom Flotilla movement, said, “Humanitarian aid must be delivered to Gaza, especially after the genocide and massacre that has been ongoing for more than 6 months.”

He stressed that all countries, including Türkiye, must deliver this aid safely to the region, and ensure a permanent ceasefire, in accordance with the decisions of the International Criminal Court.

The Israeli occupation deliberately obstructs the arrival of humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip by directly targeting relief convoys, which resulted in the martyrdom of many relief workers, including foreign workers affiliated with the “World Central Kitchen” organization.

The International Freedom Flotilla Alliance includes a large number of international civil society organizations and activists, including the Turkish Humanitarian Relief Foundation (IHH), according to Anadolu Agency.

For the 197th day in a row, the Israeli occupation continues to commit massacres, as part of the genocidal war it is waging against the people of the Gaza Strip, targeting inhabited homes and medical and journalistic teams.

The death toll from the ongoing aggression on the Gaza Strip rose to more than 34,000 martyrs, and more than 76,000 injured, in addition to thousands missing under the rubble, according to the Ministry of Health in Gaza.

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