Wed 26-June-2024

Red Crescent: Closing Gaza crossings heralds imminent humanitarian & health catastrophe

Tuesday 14-May-2024


The Palestine Red Crescent Society has warned of the deteriorating humanitarian conditions in the Gaza Strip as a result of the Israeli ongoing closure of the crossings, after taking control of the Rafah crossing and closing it completely.

The Society said, in a statement on Tuesday, that the continued closure of the crossings, especially the key Rafah crossing which is the main passage for humanitarian aid delivery in the Strip, portends an imminent humanitarian and health catastrophe.

The statement explained that blocking the humanitarian aid delivery to the Gaza Strip indicates that famine is so imminent as food stores are about to run out, especially with the Israeli ongoing aggression for the seventh month in a row and the displacement of more than 85% of the population.

Gazan citizens are suffering from critical levels of food insecurity, in light of the severe scarcity of humanitarian aid because of the closure, which indicates a clear violation of international humanitarian law.

The Israeli ongoing prevention of fuel delivery portends a complete collapse of the health system in the remaining operating hospitals, the statement added.

The Red Crescent Society appealed to the international community and international humanitarian institutions to intervene urgently by pressuring the Israeli occupation authorities to open the crossings, especially the Rafah crossing, and to allow a smooth, sustainable, and adequate flow of humanitarian aid permanently with no conditions or restrictions.

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