Wed 24-July-2024

Mishaal proposes tactics to counter the Israeli aggression

Saturday 18-May-2024


Khaled Mishaal, the leader of Hamas abroad, specified three steps on Saturday to pressure Israel to stop its aggression and hold it accountable for its crimes, urging the masses of the nation to stay on the streets and continue to exert pressure to stop the genocide against Palestinians.

This came during an online speech at the “Flood of the Free” conference, which started on Saturday in Istanbul, Türkiye, and continues until Sunday with the participation of representatives from 60 countries.

Mishaal said, “After 8 months of war, we continue our jihad, and we have the ability and determination, with Allah’s help, to continue the battle. How do we support the resistance? Our response is in three major steps.”

He explained that the first step is “to continue what you started from the very beginning through activities, continue your financial jihad to support the people in Gaza, provide them with food and shelter, and support the mujahideen and sponsor their families.”

He added, “We want the flood of law to prosecute the criminal killers. We stand with South Africa as Türkiye, Libya, and Egypt stand with it, and we want other countries to join the battle to pursue the Zionists everywhere, and the flood of students to continue.”

Regarding the second step, he stated, “We want to engage in the battle of jihad, and we want the nation to engage fully in the battle. This is our responsibility as long as we are faced with an opportunity for liberation and the enemy is faltering. We are required to make a major leap with the flood of jihad.”

As for the third step, Mishaal said, “A political pressure flood is needed, with sit-ins that speak one word, that it is time for the aggression to stop.”

He urged the masses of the nation to stay on the streets and express their anger against the Zionists and their allies in front of embassies, and the media flood to continue its message, words, and stances, “we want the Palestinian narrative to reach its full extent in all forums.”

He emphasized that the Hamas Movement is continuing in the jihad and has the ability to continue the battle against the Israeli army in the Gaza Strip.

Mishaal addressed the attendees at the conference, saying, “Today, in the eighth month of the Al-Aqsa Flood, 8 months on the lands of Gaza and the West Bank, the enemy commits its crimes while the nation expresses its role and faith in the battle.”

He added, “Thanks to everyone who sacrificed and contributed to the honorable battle and fought in the financial flood. The nation is generous as it has never been before because it feels its duty. Thanks to those who filled the streets with millions in support of Gaza and anger against the Zionists.”

He continued, “Thanks to everyone who fought the media battle and presented the Palestinian narrative, defeating the Israeli and Western narratives. Thanks to those who besieged the American and Israeli embassies. Thanks to everyone who boycotted the Zionists and forced companies to retreat. Thanks to the great student flood that emerged in European and American universities and spread worldwide. And thanks to the free people of the world.”

Mishaal then addressed the next phase, saying, “You are thanked for what has passed and what you have done, but much is required. We realize the magnitude of responsibility. The enemy continues to commit its crimes and aggression. Moments ago, it destroyed a neighborhood in Jabalia. It still starves and besieges Gaza, sweeps through Rafah, engages in criminal battles in the Zaytoun neighborhood and all of Gaza, and commits its crimes in the West Bank and Jerusalem, and the violations in Al-Aqsa’s courtyards continue.”

He added, “Our enemy pursues us everywhere, yesterday in southern Lebanon and other locations. It is an open battle with them. We receive the message from the honorable Gaza that the resistance is in good condition and has repositioned itself everywhere. It is a miracle of a faithful group that triumphs over the Zionists and their supporters.”

He emphasized that “the resistance is in good condition, and the popular incubator, despite its pains, remains steadfast and supportive of the resistance. They are patient and dedicated, all sacrificing what is dearest to them for the sake of the resistance.”

Mishaal pointed out that “the world is changing, and Gaza has changed the region, and the world. It revealed the authenticity of humanity and the spirit of our nation.”

He continued, “Today, we are witnessing a scene that instills confidence in us for victory. This change in the regional and international arena tells us that we are the victors and the future is ours. We see the enemy retreating and defeated, and internal disputes arise due to frustration because it is accustomed to winning quick battles in days and weeks. But to engage in an 8-month battle in Gaza and fail, that instills determination in us.”

The head of Hamas abroad spoke about the future requirements, saying, “We are facing a historic moment and an opportunity to defeat Israel and dismantle the Zionist project.”

He continued, “We have an opportunity to change the world, and for Palestine to be a blessing to the world in eliminating the Zionists and their wicked project that seeks to harm the world. This historic opportunity requires men, effort, and work.”

He clarified that “there are political positions by Arab and Islamic countries, as well as by other countries, but what is needed today is a broad political front that confronts the Zionists and the American administration, which still aligns with them despite its disputes with them and supports them with tools of destruction and does not abandon its protection despite their crimes.”

The head of Hamas abroad pointed out the importance of forming “a broad front that says war, aggression, and crime must stop and end.”

He considered it “a disgrace to humanity for aggression and crimes to continue for 8 months. Today, the world is rising, and we need a political translation for that, and the nation is capable of it, and we see a change in positions and we want more.”

Mishaal affirmed that “Arab and Islamic countries can lead the front, and they are capable of it.”

He concluded by saying, “Victory is inevitable, continue your role, engage in the battle of jihad and resistance, and move towards a political front and an open sit-in and continuous anger to stop the crime in Gaza, and then we will see a beautiful and good dawn for everyone.”

The opening session of the conference witnessed the presentation of video footage and speeches by a number of Hamas leaders, as well as a prominent speech by journalist Tarek Mustafa, who lost about 30 of his family members in Gaza.

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