Sat 27-July-2024

Detainee Wafa Jarrar injured after her arrest in Jenin

Wednesday 22-May-2024


Family sources revealed that the Palestinian woman Wafa Jarrar, 50, who was arrested on Tuesday, was injured after an explosive device blew up in an Israeli occupation military vehicle, several hours after her arrest. She was transferred to the Israeli Rambam Hospital in Haifa.

On Tuesday, Israeli occupation forces (IOF) arrested the political activist Wafaa Jarrar, from Al-Marah neighborhood in Jenin, after storming her house, sabotaging its contents, and beating her and her family members.

The family explained that until now, the health condition of prisoner Jarrar has not been confirmed and called for pushing for her immediate release and for exerting efforts urgently to allow a visit to her.

The IOF has recently been using Palestinian citizens as human shields during their incursions into the West Bank, in violation of the provisions of the international humanitarian law.

For more than 24 hours, the Palestinian resistance has been continuing its confrontation of the ongoing Israeli aggression against the city of Jenin, engaging in fierce clashes with the IOF soldiers with the use of home-made explosive devices.

The Palestinian Red Crescent Society announced on Tuesday night that its crews had managed to reach a martyr from Al-Hadaf neighborhood in Jenin, bringing the number of martyrs of the ongoing Israeli occupation against the city and its camp since Tuesday morning to eight in addition to at least 21 injuries, including critical cases.

The IOF intentionally destroyed infrastructure, including streets, vegetable stands, commercial barracks, and citizens’ property, especially vehicles, as IOF snipers were deliberately shooting Palestinians, ambulance cars, and pressmen.

On Tuesday morning, the IOF, accompanied by special forces, stormed the city of Jenin and its camp, leading to the outbreak of confrontations that were concentrated in the vicinity of Jenin camp and Wadi Burqin.

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