Mon 1-July-2024

Clashes, resistance operations reported in W. Bank

Monday 27-May-2024


Palestinian youths and resistance fighters clashed and attacked Israeli forces and settlers in different areas of the occupied West Bank last night and at dawn Monday, amid reported arrests in some towns.

According to local sources, armed clashes broke out between resistance fighters and Israeli forces in Jenin City.

The IOF also stormed Kafr Dan town, west of Jenin, and kidnaped one citizen from his home, amid clashes with local youths.

Local sources said that the IOF detonated a number of private cars and seized others during its raid in Kafr Dan.

Meanwhile, resistance fighters showered the illegal settlement of Shaked last night in western Jenin with bullets in response to the Israeli massacre in Rafah.

Overnight skirmishes and gunfights also happened between Palestinian youths and Israeli forces near the military bases of Dotan and Salem in western Jenin.

Media sources reported that resistance fighters opened fire at a military checkpoint near Ya’bad town and withdrew from the area.

For 33 days, Israeli forces have been occupying the house of a Palestinian citizen in Jalbun village, northeast of Jenin, and using it as a center to carry out raids on homes and arrests in the area.

In Nablus, a settler was reportedly injured after Palestinian youths hurled stones at his car near Huwara town and caused material damage to it.

In Tulkarem, a resistance group said it fired a hail of bullets at the Israeli checkpoint of Nitzanei Oz, describing the attack as a first response to the heinous Israeli crimes against the Palestinians in Gaza.

In Bethlehem, violent clashes took place between local youths and Israeli forces in Husan village.

Local youths also attacked with stones and homemade bombs settler cars traveling on a road near Husan village, injuring one settler.

In al-Khalil, the IOF kidnaped a young man after ransacking his home in Beit Ummar town, while resistance fighters attacked Israeli soldiers in Wadi ash-Shuyukh area in al-Arroub refugee camp with pipe bombs.

Local youths also showered the IOF watchtower at the main entrance of al-Arroub camp with firecrackers.

In east Jerusalem, Israeli police forces clashed with local youths in Shuafat refugee camp and kidnaped one young man.

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