Tue 25-June-2024

NGOs calls for declaring Gaza “famine-stricken zone”

Wednesday 29-May-2024


Palestinian civil society organizations and trade unions have sent an immediate appeal to the UN and the Palestinian Authority (PA) to declare the Gaza Strip a famine-stricken zone and take the necessary measures to protect its population as the Israeli genocidal war has entered its eighth month.

In a joint petition released a few days ago, over 40 Palestinian NGOs and unions called for declaring Gaza a region stricken by famine, environmental pollution, and spreading diseases.

They stressed the need for the UN and the PA to adopt this declaration and coordinate global and local efforts, in partnership with Palestinian civil society organizations, to develop an immediate plan to address the impacts of these crises, elevate emergency relief levels for the citizens of Gaza and take steps to hold the Israeli occupation regime accountable for its war crimes and crimes against humanity in Gaza.

They urged other organizations, movements, human rights defenders and supporters to join their endeavor and sign the petition calling for declaring Gaza a famine-stricken zone.

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