Sun 8-September-2024

Israeli captive: Netanyahu’s government is searching for us to kill us

Friday 31-May-2024


Al-Quds Brigades, the armed wing of the Islamic Jihad, released on Thursday a video of the Israeli Alexander Turbanov who is held captive in the Gaza Strip.

Turbanov slammed the Israeli government headed by Benjamin Netanyahu, saying “the government and Netanyahu are searching for us to kill us and return us as corpses. It is a cheap and preferred price for them.”

The Israeli captive urged protesters to continue their activism to put pressure on the Netanyahu government to “return them safely”, stressing that “the only way to get us back alive is to agree to an exchange deal and a ceasefire.”

He elaborated that the Israeli Air Force attempted several times to reach his place of detention in order to kill him, noting that the government, Netanyahu, and security forces “are lying to the prisoners’ families by claiming to bring us back to Israel through military pressure.”

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