Thu 27-June-2024

GMO warns of worsening humanitarian crises, escalating famine and thirst in Gaza

Friday 31-May-2024


The Government Media Office (GMO) in Gaza warned on Friday of worsening food, water, and medicine crises and an escalating famine and thirst due to the Israeli occupation and the US administration’s prevention of aid and fuel from entering Gaza, holding them fully responsible for an imminent humanitarian catastrophe.

The GMO said in a statement that the Israeli occupation army has been blocking all crossings and access points to Gaza for 24 days, with full support and approval from the US administration. This exacerbates food, water, and medicine crises, increasing the likelihood of a real famine in Gaza, which is facing a US-backed genocide.

It has been 24 days since the Israeli occupation army took over the Rafah land crossing and closed the Kerem Shalom crossing, resulting in compounded humanitarian crises, preventing 22,000 injured and sick individuals from traveling for treatment abroad and blocking the entry of humanitarian aid and supplies for Gaza’s 2.4 million residents, more than 2 million of whom are displaced and rely primarily on aid. A quarter of a million breadwinners has lost their jobs due to the genocide, leading to no cash liquidity, which is clearly deepening the famine, the GMO added.

The Israeli occupation also prevents the entry of fuel, cooking gas, and medicine as part of a policy to pressure civilians, children, and women, constituting a crime against humanity. This has led to the shutdown of more than 98% of Gaza’s bakeries due to the lack of cooking gas and more than 700 water wells due to targeting and fuel blockade, further deepening famine and thirst among civilians, especially children and women.

The moral and humanitarian image of the US administration and the Israeli occupation has been shattered by the starvation, killing, genocide, and systematic destruction of residential areas, infrastructure, water, sewage, and electricity networks, and all aspects of life in Gaza. This appears to be a deliberate and premeditated plan by the Israelis and the Americans, in a manner that shames humanity.

The GMO reiterated its condemnation of the ongoing US-backed Israeli crimes, genocide, and ongoing massacres against displaced civilians in shelter centers, the latest of which were in Jabalia and Rafah.

It holds the Israeli occupation, the US administration, and the countries involved in Gaza genocide fully responsible for the catastrophic outcomes of this ongoing war against the Palestinian people, which has resulted in over 130,000 victims, including martyrs, injured, missing, and forcibly disappeared detainees.

It also called on the International Criminal Court and all other international courts and free judges worldwide to pursue the Israeli and US war criminals responsible for the deaths of over 36,000 people in an unprecedented historical holocaust and to bring them to a fair trial as war criminals, imposing the harshest penalties for these heinous crimes.

The GMO appealed to all free countries of the world and all international and UN organizations to pressure the Israeli occupation authorities and the US administration to stop the genocide and to open the Rafah land crossing and Kerem Shalom crossing as well as all land crossings. This will allow thousands of injured and sick individuals to travel for treatment abroad and enable the entry of humanitarian, relief, and medical aid, as well as fuel and cooking gas.

The situation in Gaza is nearing a point of uncontrollability, leading to an unprecedented humanitarian disaster.

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