Sun 30-June-2024

Britain’s Swansea students victorious over divestment demands

Monday 10-June-2024


The Swansea student encampment in Britain has won a commitment from the university management to divest its £5 million from Barclays Bank, which is financially complicit in Israel’s ongoing genocide in Gaza.

The decision came after a 28-day campus protest against Barclays, which provides billions in loans to companies that provide weapons to Israel. It is one of the most significant concessions won by pro-Palestinian protesters yet.

The management of Swansea University has also committed to ensuring that all its investments follow an ethical investment policy. It says it will change the scholarship policy so that Palestinian students can access them and to not repress any political speech on campus.

The Swansea University chancellor has emailed students at the encampment these commitments in writing, according to the website of Britain’s Socialist Workers.

The Palestine Society and protesters at Swansea University welcomed the management’s decision, describing it as an important victory that came as a result of their just demands.

However, the Palestine Society said that the university should call for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza, which is one of the student demonstrators’ demands.

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