Sat 22-June-2024

Israeli occupation government renews its ban on Al-Jazeera

Monday 10-June-2024


The Israeli occupation government ratified the decision of the Minister of Communications to extend the Israeli closure of Al-Jazeera’s office and ban for 45 more days.

The Israeli Communications Minister Shlomo Karai said: “I am convinced that the orders to close Al-Jazeera will be extended in the future as well.”

Last month, the Israeli occupation government unanimously decided to close Al-Jazeera’s offices.

The decision stipulates that, based on a law that prevents foreign media organizations which Israel deems harmful to the state security, the permission was given to the Minister of Communications to issue, for a period of 45 days, a ban on Al-Jazeera broadcasting in Arabic and English.

It also stipulated the closure of Al-Jazeera’s offices in 1948 occupied Palestine, the seizure of devices used by Al-Jazeera to broadcast content, and the restriction of access to the channel’s internet website.

The Minister of Communications signed the orders immediately after they were voted on and ratified by the Knesset.

Al-Jazeera Network condemned the Israeli occupation’s decision for its violation of human rights to access information, and described it as a deeply misleading and slanderous move.

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