Tue 25-June-2024

WHO: 32 deaths in Gaza attributed to malnutrition

Wednesday 12-June-2024


The Director General of the World Health Organization (WHO), Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, said “there have already been 32 deaths in Gaza attributed to malnutrition, including 28 among children under 5 years old.”

He added in a statement on Wednesday, “WHO has documented 480 attacks on health care in the West Bank since the 7th of October last year, resulting in 16 deaths and 95 injuries.”

Meanwhile, the Ministry of Health in the Gaza Strip warned on Wednesday against the possibility of the breakdown of hospitals, health centers and the only oxygen station in Gaza City (in the north) due to the closure of all Gaza crossings after Israeli occupation army had taken control over them.

“This would put the lives of dozens of sick and wounded people at real risk of death,” it said, adding that the lack of diesel to operate the feeding generator of drug refrigerators and the oxygen plant would spoil the drugs inside refrigerators.

The ministry called for allowing entry of fuel needed to operate the generators and the oxygen plant, in addition to electrical generators and spare parts necessary for maintenance.

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