Wed 26-June-2024

Haneyya: An overarching deal is needed to end Gaza war and exchange prisoners

Sunday 16-June-2024


Head of Hamas’s political bureau Ismail Haneyya has said that the solution to the Israeli genocidal war on the Gaza Strip and the release of prisoners can be achieved through negotiations that lead to a comprehensive agreement.

In a speech on Sunday, Haneyya affirmed that Hamas along with the other resistance factions in Gaza are “serious about reaching an agreement that includes the four main points — a permanent ceasefire, a comprehensive Israeli withdrawal from Gaza, the rehabilitation of Gaza, and a prisoner exchange deal.”

Haneyya stressed that Hamas and all the resistance factions in Gaza showed great seriousness and flexibility in order to reach an agreement sparing the blood and lives of the Palestinians in Gaza and stopping the Israeli aggression against them.

Haneyya added that the response his Movement gave to the mediators about the last ceasefire proposal is consistent with the basics mentioned in US president Joe Biden’s speech and the relevant Security Council resolution.

The Hamas leader said that the Israeli occupation regime and its allies did not respond positively to his Movement’s flexibility and persisted in making deceptive maneuvers and attempts through tabling proposals and ideas aimed at taking the Israeli captives and then resuming the war of extermination on Gaza again.

He stressed the need for a clear and unambiguous agreement not subject to subsequent interpretations and not susceptible to postponement, bargaining or maneuvering.

He expressed Hamas’s respect for the mediators’ role and the importance of what they do and its willingness to give them sufficient opportunity and room to accomplish their mission.

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