Sat 28-September-2024

GMO accuses Israel and US of deliberately starving Gazans

Tuesday 18-June-2024


Gaza’s Government Media Office (GMO) has accused Israel and the US administration of purposefully worsening famine-like conditions and aggravating the humanitarian situation in the war-battered territory by withholding humanitarian aid for politically-motivated goals.

“Gaza is rapidly heading towards famine, and the occupation state and the US administration are leading a conspiracy to prevent aid and goods from reaching our people,” GMO said in a statement on Tuesday.

“The Israeli occupation and the US administration are deliberately pushing 2.4 million civilians in the Gaza Strip into the tunnel of famine, enforcing a policy of starvation against children and patients by preventing the entry of food and medications,” GMO affirmed.

“The crime of preventing the entry of aid and food as a tool for political pressure used by the occupation and the US administration has noticeably doubled the humanitarian suffering in all the provinces of the Gaza Strip. Even markets and stores suffer from a dearth of goods and commodities due to the complete closure of all crossings for 40 days,” GMO added.

“3,500 children are at risk of death due to malnutrition and the lack of nutritional supplements and vaccinations, which have become among the prohibited items entering Gaza,” the statement warned.

GMO called for urgent and immediate international action to stop Israel’s policy of starvation in Gaza and open the border crossing with Gaza to allow the flow of humanitarian aid.

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