Thu 27-June-2024

Detainees Commission: Detained women face harsh conditions in Israeli Damon jail

Monday 24-June-2024


The Commission of Detainees and Ex-detainees Affairs has said that the Palestinian women languishing in the Israeli Damon prison, northern 1948 occupied Palestine, have been held under harsh detention conditions, especially since October 7, 2023.

In a statement on Sunday, the Commission quoted one of the women who are held captive in Damon jail as saying that they were suffering from difficult conditions, with some of them forced to sleep on the floor because of insufficient number of beds, as every 10 women are held in one room with only four beds, adding that they get poor food in quantity and quality.

Another detained woman told the lawyer of the Detainees Affairs Commission that the Israeli occupation forces (IOF) arrested her from her home at 3 a.m. and handcuffed her before being transferred to Ofer prison where she was held until 6 a.m. before taking her to Beit El district where she remained until 9 a.m., without allowing her to use the toilet except for one time.

She explained that the IOF returned her back to Ofer prison for investigation that lasted fifty minutes, before she was transferred once again to Al-Maskoubiya detention center in Jerusalem. There she was held for 16 consecutive days before she was transferred again to Hasharon prison, where both her hands and legs remained shackled for seven hours with no food.

The imprisoned woman revealed that the prison administration told her that she would be allowed to pursue her higher education abroad on one condition that she does not return back to the West Bank, which was totally rejected by her.

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