Thu 27-June-2024

The Follow-up Committee warns of Israeli plans to replace Rafah Crossing

Tuesday 25-June-2024


The Follow-up Committee of National and Islamic Factions in Palestine have said in a statement on Tuesday that it was following the recurring news that certain parties were coordinating with Israel to facilitate the travel of some patients and foreign nationals through the Karam Abu Salem crossing and the so-called “David’s Route” established by the Israeli occupation army along the Philadelphi Route.

“We consider this a dangerous development revealing the (Israeli) occupation’s intentions to replace the Rafah crossing and voluntary displacement of Palestinians,” the committee said.

The committee in light of such reports would like to emphasize the following:

“We call on the Arab Republic of Egypt to reject this plan, which affects Egyptian sovereignty and national security, and to use all national strengths that Egypt possesses, given its stature and history, to thwart this plan.

We call on all countries and international organizations not to contribute to passing the occupation’s plans (under humanitarian pretexts) and not to alleviate international criticism of the occupation for closing Gaza crossings, especially the Rafah land crossing.

We affirm that the Rafah land crossing is purely Palestinian-Egyptian and will remain so, and that its management on the Palestinian side is subject only to Palestinian consensus. We will not accept the imposition of the occupation’s and the world’s agendas on us in this regard.”

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