Sat 29-June-2024

Mishaal: Setting up the Palestinian house following the Aqsa flood is an urgent need that cannot wait

Thursday 27-June-2024


The head of Hamas Movement’s foreign political bureau Khaled Mishaal said “the Aqsa flood constitutes a real and effective move towards liberation.”

At a symposium hosted by the Al-Zaytouna Center for Studies and Consultations this Wednesday evening, Mishaal declared that “there is no need for postponing the right to arrange the Palestinian house, as it has become a necessary and inevitable matter after the Aqsa flood.”

“Setting up the Palestinian house is not something we can delay till the end of the battle,” Mishaal said in his speech at the symposium, which was attended by experts and heads of Palestinian studies and thinking centers. “Rather, we must be preoccupied with it while we are engaged in the battle.”

“Those who were outside the battle and waiting for the resistance to lose, what will be their position after the Aqsa flood ends and the resistance wins in Gaza?” he continued.

“The Palestinian resistance pays heavy prices and sacrifices, but it succeeds, while the settlement path pays heavy prices, losses, and concessions without succeeding, while the Israeli occupation continues to Judaize the land and sanctities, and expend settlements,” he said.

“Contrary to what the supporters of the peace settlement path claimed,” he emphasized, “the choice of confrontation and resistance has proven to be what confuses and weakens the occupation.”

“This battle changed the entire scene in the region, scattered everything, stirred the stagnation that had occurred in the Palestinian cause, and gave people a positive shock,” he noted.

“We actually have to overcome Oslo, politically and security-wise, and enter a new stage and phase,” Mishaal added.

“After the second intifada, we have entered the post-Oslo phase, and today, following the Al-Aqsa flood, we are facing a new reality,” he continued. “We must overcome everything related to Oslo.”

“In order to successfully navigate the transitional phase, we currently require a national consensus in which all Palestinian frameworks participate, and the Movement is open to all possibilities to build a Palestinian consensus for the next phase,” the Hamas leader underlined.

In order to prepare for the post-aggression phase on Gaza and manage the Gaza Strip, he stated that “the Palestinian house must be arranged in a consensual manner, in which the entire Palestinian spectrum participates without excluding any Palestinian party. Hamas cannot be in any way excluded from Gaza, and we will not tolerate a vacuum there.”

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